Patients Rights & Responsibilities
Your Rights
You have the right to:
Be treated with kindness and respect.
Expect privacy and confidentiality regarding your health care information in accordance with personal health information laws (refer to Privacy Policy).
Receive information in a way that is clear, understandable, and meaningful to you.
Have your health care team collaborate and share relevant information within the circle of care, unless otherwise restricted by you.
Participate in decisions about your care.
Receive culturally-sensitive care.
Know the names and roles of those involved in your care.
Express concerns and receive answers to your questions.
Be informed about fees not covered by OHIP and any related financial responsibilities for you or your family.
Your Responsibilities
As a patient, you also have responsibilities. Please ensure you:
Treat others with politeness and respect, including fellow patients, visitors, and the health care team.
Understand that others’ needs may sometimes take priority over your own.
Provide accurate information to assist your health care team in planning your care.
Identify a representative to make decisions on your behalf if you are unable to do so.
Follow your care plan to the best of your ability.
Accept responsibility for decisions about your treatment.
Take care of your personal belongings.
Respect clinic property and act responsibly and safely.
Be aware of and manage expenses not covered by OHIP.
Notify your provider if you are unable to keep an appointment.